Michael Rothstein, DDS

My name is Dr. Michael Rothstein I was born and raised in New City, NY. I received my undergraduate degree in Biochemistry from Stonybrook University and my Doctorate in Dental Surgery degree from Stonybrook University in 1994. I did my General Practice residency at The Bronx VA Medical Center in Bronx, NY. I then completed a specialty residency in Prosthodontics at the Manhattan VA Medical Center in NYC, NY. Until 2009, I practiced at two locations: 425 Madison Avenue NYC and New City, NY. In 2009, I decided to practice full time in New City, NY. In December of 2009, we moved into our new state of the art facility at 16 Squadron Boulevard in New City, NY.
I have devoted my professional career to all aspects of Dentistry. It is my belief that dentistry is a rapidly changing profession where you must stay current to the times. As a result, I am firm believer in continuing education and always exceed the required state credits on yearly basis.
My hobbies include fitness, nutrition, and healthy living. I enjoy traveling and spending time with my family.